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Mall Websites, Social Media Campaigns
Simon takes to Twitter, represented by the TwELF in Chief, and launches a Christmas Countdown micro-site.
Mall Websites, Sales Promotions & More, Seasonal Giveaways
Capilano Mall’s mystery word contest has shoppers explore its website, then draws them in to its physical location.
Customer Service
Umbrella wrapping machines not only prevent slips, but can also promote your brand.
Décor Themes, Sustainability
Vaughan Mills seats Santa at an ice-fishing cabin.
Special Events, Technology Lab
Step into the very real world of virtual events: a Q&A with Joerg Rathenberg, Senior Director of Marketing, Unisfair.
A: For organizers, virtual events are a more economical way to bring thousands of attendees because they don’t have to contend with renting space, f&b or giveaways, and a[...]
Apps, Technology Lab, Technology News
Some magazines, such as Esquire, have begun incorporating digital content accessible on your computer.
Upper Canada Mall’s iPhone app offers shoppers a collection of useful features, right in time for the holidays.
Décor Themes, Entertainment, Technology Lab
An initial decor investment will turn into a future marketing budget contributor for Magic Valley Mall.
Community Room, Social Media Campaigns
Southlake Town Center knows social media is a two-way street, and makes the most of its presence.
Social Media Campaigns, Sustainability
Nespresso’s Ecolaboration.com demonstrates its focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness.