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Redevelopment for Scottsdale Fashion Square

Development News, Shopping Center Business

The upscale Scottsdale Fashion Square (SFS) is about to get even more posh. Owner Macerich has just announced a major redevelopment for the 1.9m sq.ft. Arizona property. The plan calls for the renovation of the luxury wing, and the addition of r[...] Tactics Subscribers Read More...

Social Media Outlook 2017

Social Media Campaigns, Technology Lab

2016 was a big year for social media. From Facebook's big push in live video, to Instagram muscling in on Snapchat's stories format, the tussle between social networks has been fierce as each platform battles for a share of your attention. We've[...] Tactics Subscribers Read More...

The Hub Show Off Its X Factor

Entertainment, Special Events

Samantha Lavery turned heads when she stepped onto the stage to audition for the UK's X Factor talent show earlier this year. A few months later, having become a household name, the English teenage phenom brought some star power to the opening o[...] Tactics Subscribers Read More...
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